On September 1, 2005 01:21 am, Xiaozheng Ma wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am installing AMD64 to my new computer, which has Abit ax8
> motherboard. The installer could not find network device (or configed
> my network) with auto-detect DHCP option. After I manually set the
> network ip etc, It still couldn't work. The ax8 has an integrated
> network card (i believe it is Gigabit LAN)
> http://www.abit-usa.com/products/mb/products.php?categories=1&model=2
> By default, the installer also has problem recognizing my PCI-Express
> video card. but this is a less conncern to me.
> Has anyone installed AMD64 successfully on the ax8? Please share your
> experience. Thank you very much.
> Xiaozheng

Oh I should mention as well if you want to monitor the temperature 
sensors on the motherboard with the uguru if you get it installed you 
should go to this (1) thread on the abit forum and get the oguru 
tarball and compile it with gcc-3.4 and you will be able to check them.



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