I don't know if cdrdao is still with problems but some packages still
with bugs and patches available are in:

deb http://amd64.debian.net/debian stinkypete main contrib non-free
deb-src http://amd64.debian.net/debian stinkypete main contrib non-free

> Hi; thanks for your reply.  No need to cc me; I read the list.
> Lennart Sorensen wrote:
> > On Mon, Jan 23, 2006 at 05:34:13AM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> So, as I understand it, the following stuff would need to go into the
> >> 32-bit chroot (assuming one wants/needs these things):
> >>
> >> - Sun's J2RE
> >
> > There is 64bit java as far as I know.  Not sure about browser plugins.
> Heh.  I had assumed that Sun didn't have an AMD64 version out; but
> I just went and looked, and there it is.  Thanks for the tip.
> >> - cdrecord/cdrdao plus whatever front end you're using to call them
> >
> > No reason.  Those work fine on amd64.
> Thanks.  As I mentioned in other replies, I'd read on a few pages
> that cdrdao had significant bugs under AMD64, that a patch existed
> to fix those bugs, but that the Sarge and Etch versions hadn't yet
> been patched.  Presumably, re: Etch, that info is just out of date?
> >> How much space would all that take?  Assuming one were to put the chroot
> >> in its own partition, how much space should be allocated to that partition?
> >> If you're using an AMD64 desktop, how much space are you using in the
> >> chroot?
> >
> > chroot can just be a directory.  No need for a partition.  Sure is
> > simpler.
> Yeah; but then the question becomes where to put it (i.e. in what
> existing partition to include it).  The HOWTO suggests /var; but
> /var on this box could fluctuate strongly in disk space used.  I
> want to avoid any issues if /var fills up.
> And at any rate, even if I do just put it in a subdir rather than
> its own full-fledged partition, I still need a vague idea of how much
> space the stuff in the chroot will take up, so that I can allocate
> enough space to the larger partition (that the chroot subdir will end
> up a part of) for both the chroot and its other contents.
> Cheers,
> -c
> --
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