On Fri, Jun 08, 2007 at 10:14:38AM -0500, Igor TAmara wrote:
> Hi, I'm following this howto[1] to make a multiseat system on AMD64,
> I saw there were precompiled binaries for Xephyr, and I started to
> create some packages with apt-get source applying the patches on
> that page[1]
> 1.http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Multiterminal_with_Xephyr
> The steps I followed to apply the patches were:
> apt-get source xserver-xephyr
> sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xephyr
> wget http://www.c3sl.ufpr.br/multiterminal/howtos/xephyr-patches.tgz
> mv xephyr-patches/kdrive-evdev.patch 
> xorg-server-1.1.1/debian/patches/46_kdrive-evdev.patch
> mv xephyr-patches/kdrive-ephyr-evdev.patch 
> xorg-server-1.1.1/debian/patches/47_kdrive-ephyr-evdev.patch
> cd xorg-server-1.1.1/
> fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage
> cd ..
> dpkg -i xserver-xorg-core_1.1.1-21_amd64.deb  \
> xserver-xorg-dev_1.1.1-21_am d64.deb xdmx_1.1.1-21_amd64.deb \
> xdmx-tools_1.1.1-21_amd64.deb xnest_1.1.1-21_amd64.deb \
> xvfb_1.1.1-21_amd64.deb xserver-xephyr_1.1.1-21_amd6 \
> Then when I try to make
> /usr/sbin/Xephyr.sh -display :0.1 -br -xauthority \
> /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -geometry 1024x768+0+0 -keyboard \
> /dev/input/kbd1mt -mouse /dev/input/mouse1mt,5 -use-evdev -dpi 92
> I get an error that sugests the patches weren't applied correctly,
> because the options geometry, keyboard and evdev are not allowed.
> Mi questions :
>  * Does anyone have experiences of multiseat with AMD64?
>  * If so, the Xephyr approach or something else? (documents?)
>  * If with Xephyr, do you have a recommendation for applying the
>  necessary patches? Maybe a pointing to a howto or a manual? I
>  suspect that I'm applying the patch incorrectly, how to do that in
>  a correct way?
> Thanks in advance.
> P.D: I have the graphics card working with the two monitors fine,
> but I'm not able to make the keyboard and the mouses with the
> monitor become an independent seats.

Can you run the graphics card as two seperate X servers though?  I have
only ever heard of people doing multi user setup using seperate PCI
video cards that could be run with a seperate X config for each card by
specifying the PCI ID for each device.

I guess if you disable cinerama, you might be able to get screen 0.0 and
0.1 managed seperately somehow.

I hadn't heard of xephyr before, although it sounds like it is intended
to manage dividing one X session into seperate sessions.  Neat idea.

Len Sorensen

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