Am Montag 12 November 2007 schrieb Kenward Vaughan:
> Hi,
> I'm in the predicament of needing to have OpenGL working on my box,
> which already has the latest X updates (this is in Sid).  The
> instability issues exists with the driver I have, so I need to back down
> to one which doesn't show the problem.  I'm running with the nv server
> at the moment.
> I have the 100.14.11 driver installed.  Is nvidia-glx the server itself,
> or which server component is used with that?
> I am uncertain exactly how to do this.  It seems that I would have to
> downgrade a lot of files.  Or does the Nvidia legacy driver from their
> site work with the current xserver components?
> Would it be better/easier to create a fresh base to work from?
> Thanks,
> Kenward
> --
> The church says the earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I
> have seen the shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than
> in the church.    --Ferdinand Magellan

Hi Kenward, 
I am having much problems with nvidias driver higher than 100.14.09. My system 
freezes unexpectly. This is caused by the binary part of the nvidia driver 
and effects mostly 64-bit systems. Not every graphic card is effected, but 
mine is. Others reported of the freeze, too, (there are some reports of it on 
Nvidias linux site).

Although other people might report, the driver is stable, I say: It is NOT.
The same driver is running on my 32-bit system stable, but i repeat: Other 
people report about the same problems. My card is a Nvidia 7300 Go.

I suggest, to get back to 100.14.09 (you can get all packages at and revert to this driver, which is reported by everyone 
to be very stable.

Just take a look at my reports in this forum, too.

The bug is in the binary part of Nvidias driver, not in the Debian part.

Good luck


P.S. the latest drver 100.14.23 (only downloadable at Nvidia) seem to be more 
stable again, but I sometimes saw some weired effects (i.e. the screen went 
down dark for a second)

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