On Mon, 2008-01-14 at 17:01 -0600, Jack Schneider wrote:
> Below is the output of the metacity command:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ metacity &
> [1] 5844
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ Window manager warning: "<Alt>Button3" found in
> configuration d
> atabase is not a valid value for keybinding "activate_window_menu"
> Window manager warning: "<Alt>Button1" found in configuration database
> is not a 
> valid value for keybinding "begin_move"
> Window manager warning: "<Alt>Button2" found in configuration database
> is not a 
> valid value for keybinding "begin_resize"

These are just warnings. If you're so inclined you can try fixing them
up later, but they shouldn't matter for the current problem at least.

> Also
> when I started gnome-terminal from that point it gave me a completely
> working terminal... I tried to capture the profile as the default and
> restarted my normal login...  No Improvemnt.... 

Well, this tells us that, most likely, the problem doesn't lie with
gnome-terminal itself, but rather with some other application that's
running in your session. The next step would be to try to log into a
failsafe gnome session and see if it works there. That'll just start up
gnome with none of your personal settings applied.

If it works fine there, then it's time to start really digging. At that
point, you can try the strace approach that Jurriaan mentioned and see
if it helps. If you have a conflict with another program the strace
should show you where the problem lies (if you can read the output that
is. It's a bit of an acquired skill...)

p.s. I'm subscribed to the list so you don't have to do a Reply To All
when responding. As it looks like you're using Evolution you can just do
"Reply to List" (Ctrl+L is the default, I believe), and it will take
care of the rest for you.

Alex Malinovich
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