
  "Fri, 05 Nov 2004 09:32:59 +0100", "Fabio Massimo Di Nitto"
  "Re: Bug#279753: apache: execute arbitrary code via SSI issue    

 Is that review process on public or closed?  If it is on public, 
 where can we read about that?

>a combination of all of them :-) the source needs to build on all supported
>architectures and tested.
>Clearly you cannot do the latter without the former ;)

 If some arch (not powerful architecture like arm or m68k, etc) 
 needs more time to build package than i386 and so it makes release 
 late, I think we should do KAIZEN about build system.

 (or use some emulation environment like Scratchbox as test.
  It is 10 times faster than native env.) 


 Hideki Yamane <henrich @ samba.gr.jp/iijmio-mail.jp>
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