On Mon, 26 Oct 2015, Valentin Vidic wrote:
> I noticed the connection to the memcache server is not reused but dropped and
> recreated on every request. This can be checked using tcpdump.
> This issue has been reported and fixed upstream in 2.4.17:
>   *) mod_socache_memcache: Add the 'MemcacheConnTTL' directive to control how 
>      long to keep idle connections with the memcache server(s).
>      Change default value from 600 usec (!) to 15 sec. PR 58091
>      [Christophe Jaillet]

> Is it possible to add this change to jessie?

I would prefer not to backport the new configuration directive. But would 
it help to change the TTL value in jessie to 15s, too? 

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