Package: apache2
Version: 2.4.46-4

When enabling mod_ssl via "a2enmod ssl" while mod_setenvif is disabled, it becomes apparent that mod_ssl depends on mod_setenvif. I checked the configuration file /etc/apache2/mods-available/ssl.conf, but it actually does not use any mod_setenvif directive. I disabled mod_setenvif effectively by emptying setenvif.load and setenvif.conf manually on two servers, and none shows any issues for months of 24/7 use.

Hence I believe that this module dependency might come from some previous use of setenvif directives in the default mod_ssl config, which have been removed meanwhile, rendering this dependency as obsolete.

I'm not sure how those dependencies are defined and whether hence it is an upstream issue or a distro package issue. In case I'll report it upstream as well.

Best regards,


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