Although I have not fully recovered the unit (yet), I think I have established 
the issues involved.  These will be important to others, so here is a quick 
What I have done.
Serial port was NOT behaving, but I managed to telnet into port 9000 during 
boot up, using the default IP address.  Loaded Thecus default firmware, then 
upgraded to Debian Installer firmware.  At some point in the process the IP 
address reverted to the configured IP address, but the serial port now works 
every time (correct line voltage on pin 3, and data).  D-I is not working, but 
I think I have a DNS issue that is related to the original problem (see below).
What I was doing before the problem.
I am currently setting up an IPv6 only network, and have been manually bringing 
up the second ethernet port, restarting networking as required, but NOT 
re-booting the machine.  Due to some DNS problems I decided a complete re-boot 
would be sesible :-)   
What I suspect.
Examining the /etc/network/interfaces file from Debian installer, I see a file 
that looks suspiciously like the one I edited, but truncated.  Further the 
disks have not been recognised yet, so it MUST be coming from flash memory.  
Therefore there are clearly TWO interfaces files, one on disk and one in flash. 
 IT IS MY ASSUMPTION that my previous edits on disk, with a soft restart 
worked, but the re-boot resulted in the flash verison becoming involved in some 
way.  I further suspect the version in flash may be size limited, and the 
firmware makes assumptions about its content.  I.E. Valid interfaces files are 
NOT necessarily valid for booting from flash.
What I'm assuming.
The interfaces file has to conform to what the firmware expects, it cannot 
necesarily be a vaild interfaces file.
There are effectively two interfaces files, flash & disk versions.
My Conclusions.
I will bring up IPv6 (inet6) in a separate script
This is going to start affecting a lot of people, real soon.
Editing interfaces files on embedded systems, may not be firmware friendly, 
I.E. how was it setup initially?
If anyone has any suggestions on taking down IPv4 to guarantee no IPv4 traffic, 
email me OFF LIST.
Any comments?

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