On 2017-04-28, Rogério Brito wrote:
> Some years ago I bought a Zealz GK802 dongle (which, if I understand
> correctly from what I read on the web [0], is an imx6-based
> system---but I am not sure)
> Anyway, revisiting this device, I am interested in getting any more
> modern operating system on it and, of course, Debian is my first
> choice. Does anybody here have any experience with this kind of system
> or something similar? If yes, how have things evolved in the last 4
> years? Is it too painful to install Debian on it?

It looks like there's at least a devicetree for it in linux:

arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6q-gk802.dts:      model = "Zealz GK802";
arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6q-gk802.dts:      compatible = "zealz,imx6q-gk802", 

Several of the drivers (hdmi, microsd, usb-otg, internal usb) are
marked as: status = "okay";

The .dtb is present in the linux 4.9.x linux-image-4.9.0-2-armmp
package. There are several other imx6 devices supported in debian's
armhf kernels, so the necessary drivers *might* already be enabled.
That all sounds reasonably promising.

So, your task will be to figure out how to get the bootloader that comes
with it (or port it to a modern u-boot) to load Debian's kernel,
initramfs and the appropriate .dtb file.

You'll probably want to figure out how to connect to the serial

> I can provide some details with respect to the hardware and document
> my experiences and the installation process somewhere for reference of
> others (kind of what Martin did with some systems on his personal
> page) with the ultimate goal of getting it working well with Linux.

There are pages for various devices on:


Good luck!

live well,

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