On Friday, February 2, 2018, amon <a...@vnl.com> wrote:

> Thanks for getting back to me. I hope you are right. What little
> I have found via searches with Google were not comforting, to
> say the least.
most people are not sufficiently competent on the general internet to know
what they are doing. the mass of unanswered or incompetently answered
questions can be a pain in the add to filter out.

that is your responsibility... and something you just have to accept and be
patient with rather than attach emotional responses to such as "not
comforting" and other such phrases.

find the RIGHT people, ignore the rest, and please DOCUMENT your successes
in STATIC web pages such as a wiki NOT a mailing list, forum or blog post.

why? because YOU will need the documentation in six months time, forget
everyone else that will indirectly benefit!!

that includes where and how you obtained the toolchain, everything.

I can't do a boot from the sdcard for this application as I
> will probably be using it for something else. I think that is
> why I was thinking I need to do something with uboot.
> I don't have a cross compiler, although I have heard there
> might be one at Globalscale. I have built cross-compilers
> but not since I did one to build m68000 code for a NeXT from
> an i486... needless to say, it took several days to do the
> 3 compiles to generate it. I hope the world has gotten easier
> in the ensuing two decades.
> I'm working on some stuff where I have to be quite conservative
> as I hope to put it into a cubesat someday if we can raise the
> cash for it.
> --
> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
> |   Dale Amon                  Immortal Data                    |
> |   CEO             Midland International Air and Space Port    |
> | a...@vnl.com       "Data Systems for Deep Space and Time"     |
> +---------------------------------------------------------------+

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