On Thu, 12 Jul 2018 21:52:13 -0400
Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:

>On Thursday 12 July 2018 18:04:54 Christian Knoke wrote:
>> Du schriebst am 12. Jul um 16:57 Uhr:  
>> > On Thursday 12 July 2018 14:16:43 Christian Knoke wrote:  
>> > > Gene Heskett schrieb am 12. Jul um 10:07 Uhr:
>> > >
>> > > hth  
>> >
>> > Not yet.  If I can't fix this tomorrow, I'll write another sd card

follow the below 5 steps for help solving this.

1.) highlight/copy from the NEXT line down to the line '# EOF'
# untested, there may be bugs, ymmv

which ip || { 
    echo "run 'sudo apt-get install iproute2' for needed tools"
    exit 1

> $0.out

function out() {
    echo -e "\n#### running: ${@} ####\n"; $@ | tee -a $0.out

out ip a
out ip l
out ip r
out ps ax
out cat /etc/resolv.conf

for f in $(find /etc/network -type f); do
    [[ -f ${f} && "$(file "${f}")" =~ text ]] && {
        out cat "${f}"

echo "data saved to $0.out"


2.) paste/save that into a new text file named ck-ifaces

3.) then in terminal as root, run:

you@box:~# sh /path/to/ck-ifaces

4.) post 'contents' of ck-ifaces.out to pastebin.com (not here on list)

5.) post 'link' to your pastbin data here

Christopher Barry

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