And the last automatic updates were done on the 7th June- correct?
Much stuff that I do these days is based on RPIs which don't use an
initrd, but I had to go through this on a PC a few weeks ago after I'd
moved some discs around: the old configuration was still stuck in the
fstab file loaded from the initrd file.

I think it was a simple  update-initramfs -u  that got me going, but
(a) check your manpages etc. and (b) if EFI really is involved check
whether the boot loader requires any file signing etc... I'm afraid
I've only used EFI on Itanium and there only superficially.

The EFI directory is empty. These arm semi-clones have virtually no
identifiable bios.

But they do have a loader of some sort, pulling in the kernel, dtd, and initrd.

But I did just now get it fixed, my syntax for route add was fubar, it
should have been:

root@rock64:/etc/network# cat
route add default gw dev eth0

I was missing the default and dev options. routes manpage sucks.

Yes, and route (and ifconfig etc.) is obsolete. But still sometimes useful.

In practice, "default" substitutes for "-net x.y.z.t" and so on. Nice, uniform syntax :-(

This was the answer to the question I asked several times in this thread
and which was universally ignored by 99% of the responders.

Thanks Mark. Perhaps this fix will be usefull to others.

But the major thing you were asking was why your interfaces file was being ignored. You might still have that one lurking.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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