Error 2 is file not found, at least in C.  Don't know what it's looking for.

Sent from my Motorola XT1527

On Sat, Jul 21, 2018, 3:30 PM Gene Heskett <> wrote:

> On Saturday 21 July 2018 13:13:00 Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> > On 21/07/18 16:00, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > On Saturday 21 July 2018 10:20:02 Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> > >> I'd been comparing the performance of a Rockchip-based board's LAN
> > >> and USB against an RPi3B+, results were satisfactory. There's a
> > >> modicum of muttering that the 3B+ has broken something relating to
> > >> the LAN or USB.
> > >
> > >   I'm convinced its the internal usb2 hub that all i/o except the
> > > radio and spi has to go thru. It has a rather annoying tendency to
> > > throw away its own mouse and keyboard events. Thats not at all a
> > > pleasant occurrance when the tossed event is a keyup, and it left
> > > 1500 lbs of machinery moving with no stop except crashing into
> > > something. OTOH, once code has been coaxed into a file, that file
> > > can run that same machinery to do micron accurate work.  The machine
> > > control is thru spi, writing 32 bit packets at 41 megabaud, and
> > > reading the responses 32 bits at a pop at 25 megabaud.
> >
> > The focus of people's ire ATM appears to be the RPi3B+, where the
> > design has changed the chip that implements LAN and USB hub
> > functionality. Over the last few days I've put a lot of time into this
> > as the culmination of a ridiculous amount of routing/firewalling
> > testing, and while I'd quite like to be able to accumulate more
> > results what I can say so far is that while a TinkerBoard can receive
> > a data stream over 1GBit/sec Ethernet and farm it out to at least
> > three USB-connected 100MBit adapters before performance starts
> > degrading, an RPi3B+ can only handle one and when a second is added
> > performance is distributed unevenly... don't even dream of adding a
> > third.
> >
> > The RPi range is good for what it was initially designed for, but that
> > LAN/USB chip appears to be its weakness. I've not sought out a
> > datasheet or worked my way through the kernel yet, but it looks as
> > though there's some sort of prioritisation in there that can get out
> > of kilter.
> >
> > Gene, is it one of these
> > that
> > you're currently running to good effect?
> >
> Yes, the 4Gb version. But while it can build the latest (yesterdays
> release) rt kernel in about 3 hours, I haven't figured out how to
> install it yet. 220 megs uncompressed. But I'm trying to make pdfdocs,
> and don't have enough of sphinx installed to get sphinx-build, according
> to the make file error. Doing an install sphinx-* says everthing that
> globs to is installed and current.  Sigh. Finally got enough python and
> perl installed that its making pdfdocs now, but that one hell of a bug
> finder, missing xrefs by the megabyte.
> And something is wrong with the locale, even a "dpkg-reconfigure locale"
> cannot create the locale vars needed. Getting a 9 line complaint from
> perl for every file processed. I was able to fix the paper size to
> letter from a default of A4 before I started making the docs in pdf.
> When it gets done, maybe I'll learn something? It must be generating
> quite a few gigabytes of pdf's.
> And I have laundry to tend to, back later, its been munching on media-tex
> for about 15 minutes now, with 3 screens worth of included files.
> And just bailed out with a weird message:
> build succeeded, 41 warnings.
> make PDFLATEX=xelatex LATEXOPTS="-interaction=batchmode" -C
> Documentation/output/./latex || exit;
> xelatex -interaction=batchmode 'userspace-api.tex'
> This is XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.99996 (TeX Live 2016/Debian)
> (preloaded format=xelatex)
>  restricted \write18 enabled.
> entering extended mode
> Makefile:66: recipe for target 'userspace-api.pdf' failed
> make[2]: *** [userspace-api.pdf] Error 1
> Documentation/Makefile:85: recipe for target 'pdfdocs' failed
> make[1]: *** [pdfdocs] Error 2
> Makefile:1523: recipe for target 'pdfdocs' failed
> make: *** [pdfdocs] Error 2
> Damn! Why the heck can't it say why?
> Sigh.
> > Remainder noted with interest.
> --
> Cheers, Gene Heskett
> --
> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
>  soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
> -Ed Howdershelt (Author)
> Genes Web page <>

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