On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 06:06:55PM +0200, Marcin Juszkiewicz wrote:
>W dniu 20.04.2020 o 17:54, Steve McIntyre pisze:
>> OK. Can you edit the grub command line and add "console=tty0" before
>> starting please?
>Now I have two d-i running. One on tty0, one on ttyAMA0:

Yay! Progress - that's what we're aiming for. :-) You should be able
to use either of them now - this is how we support multiple different
hardware configurations.

Can you use the one on tty0 OK? That's what I'm hoping to see here...

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
< Aardvark> I dislike C++ to start with. C++11 just seems to be
            handing rope-creating factories for users to hang multiple
            instances of themselves.

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