
After some try (including checking the right image, the sdcard and the
reader), i've managed to boot the Pine64 RockPro64 by doing:

- Getting firmware and partition of daily images for RockPro64 and
assembling it to complete_image.img

- Copy it with dd on sdcard and plug it on board and powering the board.

- Using installer normally but instead of using the whole disk I
formated the fat32 partition to ext4 and resized to the end of sdcard

(to avoiding erasing bootloader at beginning sdcard)

- Used chroot on another machine to install flash-kernel and adding [0]:
'Pine64 RockPro64' to /etc/flash-kernel/machine and:

Machine: Pine64 RockPro64
Kernel-Flavors: arm64
DTB-Id: rockchip/rk3399-rockpro64.dtb
Boot-Script-Path: /boot/boot.scr
U-Boot-Script-Name: bootscr.uboot-generic
Required-Packages: u-boot-tools

To /etc/flash-kernel/db

- Using programs on this order:

update-initramfs -u


After a reboot the board is now working !

Now i would like to write u-boot on SPI flash instead of using sdcard to
boot and facilitate me if i need to reinstalling Debian on it.

How i can help to bring those features on mainling sdcard images ?


[0] I've sent merge request on salsa for flash-kernel:


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