On Tue, 7 Sep 2021 15:46:22 +0300
Reco <recovery...@enotuniq.net> wrote:

>>      Hi.
>>On Tue, Sep 07, 2021 at 08:32:14PM +1000, Keith Bainbridge wrote:
>>> I'm looking for suggestions for a new SBC, please. Ideally something
>>> more than 2M RAM. I see that a few a happy with Pine laptops. Does
>>> this translate to their SBC?  
>>I'd suggest [1], but I'm unsure about the completeness of hardware
>>support of the current Debian stable.
>>Or [2], but given the current state of Mesa's panfrost it would be
>>rough, and this SBC has its share of issues with built-in USB.
Thanks for these suggestions.

>>But without a specific requirement probably the best way is to direct
>>you to the list like [3]. You can probably expect working UART, USB
>>and Ethernet from the most of SBCs there.

Looking through that list is daunting to say the least.   But I've
found a few candidates, which I'll weed out with the help of Andrew's
words of wisdom.
>>> Background.
>>> I've just set up a new SDCard with raspberryOS. Set myself up as a
>>> user, and set root passsword. When I sshfs to my laptop, the mount
>>> point AND all subdirectories are owned exclusively buy user pi.  
>>IMO that's expected from fuse.

I'm changing this to a new thread.

>>> Some will recall the discussion around raspberry adding a MS repo to
>>> sources.list last year.  
>>I've "installed" fresh RaspiOS recently and they're still doing it.

I must check my server only set up.

>>[1] https://www.khadas.com/product-page/edge-v
>>[2] https://www.hardkernel.com/shop/odroid-n2-with-4gbyte-ram-2/

Thanks for you suggestions. I started looking at about mid-night this
morning, after a couple of very callenging cryptics. Not completed by a
long shot.

All the best

Keith Bainbridge

0447 667 468

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