On September 21, 2021 12:06:35 AM UTC, Paul Wise <p...@debian.org> wrote:

>It sounds like you are talking about userland and Debian still supports
>a 32-bit userland under a 64-bit Linux kernel on 64-bit devices,

which... and i apologise, i cannot remember your name, our 
person-running-CNC-lathes pointed out that the latency on context-switches, 
presumably because of conversions on system calls between 64 and 32 bit and 
back, is awful, and making microsecond response time barely achievable.

microsecond response... 1e6.... clock speeds 2e9... bordering on 2,000 
instructions for a contextswitch and syscall, any typeconversion is apparently 
too much.

> do
>these concerns also apply to the Linux kernel itself?

to a lesser extent given the relative size of the linux kernel, we may surmise 
only the most extreme resource constrained scenarios would be concerned about 
that, and they're likely to be using yocto, buildroot, Zephyr or other RTOS 
etc. custom from-source builds.

i had forgotten about the latency issue though, and was fascinated to hear that 
running CNCs is so borderline.

i wonder if x86 does so much better there due to hyperthreading.


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