On 2022-08-16 09:19 +0200, FritzS GMX wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed UTM / QEMU on my M1 (ARM) Mac Mini, 16GB RAM, 2TB SSD, Monterey 
> 12.5
> Ob Debian Cinnamon I get the message
> »Please check graphics driver
> Your system is currently running without video
> hardware acceleration.
> You may experience poor performance and high CPU utilization.
> high CPU load.«
> On Debian Gnome I don’t get this message. What's wrong? Which graphic driver 
> missing in Cinnamon?

There is no free driver for the M1 GPU yet (the Asahi project is
working one) so the message is correct that unaccelerated graphics is
being used. However in practie this seems to work pretty well.

Glad to hear that Debian is installale on this hardware. 

Principal hats:  Debian, Wookware, ARM

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