W dniu 10.10.2022 o 04:17, Rick Thomas pisze:

Out of curiosity, I recently bought a couple of Orange Pi zero2 kits because I wanted to see what could be done with such a really inexpensive board.

Now I'm looking for an OS. The Orange Pi web site claims that it supports Debian and Ubuntu among others, but I can't find any links to where to download Debian or Ubuntu for this hardware. So far the best I've been able to do is a Bullseye-based version of Armbian. But I'd really like to have an un-modified Debian, if such a thing is possible.

Anybody got any suggestions?

Grab generic AArch64 installer image, dd it to usb stick and boot it from u-boot. Similar to how you would do it on x86-64 platform.

Arm SBC vendors love to write "our sbc supports distroX, distroY and distroZ" while it usually means "we have some random rootfs with out fugly kernel glued to it" which was loosely based on one of those distros.

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