On Tuesday, 25 October 2022 11:33:40 CEST Arnd Bergmann wrote:
> > IIUC, for the kernel, either compiler should be fine. The
> > documentation[0] for compiling the RPi Zero kernel seems to bear this
> > out - it even uses the "CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-". If you've
> > got access to the hardware it should be easy to test before kicking off
> > the Debian kernel package build.

How can I test that? I'm not a C programmer and I thought that crashes due to 
arch differences would only manifest themselves under certain circumstances 
which could take a while to manifest.

> That is correct: it's the same compiler backend, the only difference
> between an arm-linux-gnuabihf- and an arm-linux-gnueabi- toolchain are
> which CPU and floating pointing ABI are set when building with the
> default flags. The kernel itself is always built as soft-float even
> for armv7 using an armhf toolchain, and the CPU is always set to
> the minimum configured target machine, so both compilers will produce
> the same kernel binary.

So this means I *can* actually use the arm-linux-gnuabihf compiler* already 
available in the Debian archives? I did not expect that as I _assumed_ it 
would make binaries for Debian's armhf architecture.

*) I normally don't take things RPi Foundation puts out at face value

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