I'm using the 2022-08-08 bookworm rpi4 image from <https://raspi.debian.net/tested-images/>, it's got linux-image-arm64 5.18.14-1 and raspi-firmware 1.20220331+ds-2.

It's working great, except I can't use the SPI devices.

SPI works on same hardware when running Raspbian's Buster image, after running "dtparam spi=on" (or adding "dtparam=spi=on" to the firmware config.txt file).

Raspbian Buster's dtparam program is not available on Debian Bookworm.

On Raspbian it comes from the libraspberrypi-bin deb, which is made from the raspberrypi/firwmware git repo on github (the same repo that supplies all the dtb files in /boot). dtparam and the other programs there are provided in binary form (for armhf), not source :-(

Does anyone have any advise for me on how to enable SPI on Debian?

(In case it's not obvious, I'm a noob at dealing with device tree stuff.)

Sebastian Kuzminsky

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