Andreas Tille <> writes:
> On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 08:03:51PM +0200, Ole Streicher wrote:
>> Andreas Tille <> writes:
>> > The thing is: The Debian Med tasks files have 'classic' format but
>> > without specifying the Format line d/control remains empty.
>> It already uses Recommends+Suggests, which gets downgraded and since
>> then there are no Recommends anymore, the metapackages are not created.
> The usage of Recommends+Suggests was always permitted in 'classic'
> format.  The only difference between 1.0 and 1.1 is that in 1.1 it is
> permitted that Depends remain Depends while in 1.0 it was downgraded
> to Recommends in any case.

So, Recommends were never downgraded to Suggests, resp. Depends and
Recommends were synonyms? This is ofcourse something that can be simply
changed; lines 525ff:

    def upgrade_from_1_0(content):
        header = [ ("Format", "";) ]
        header += list(filter(lambda x: x[0] != "Format", content[0].items()))
        res = [ dict(header) ]
        for p in content[1:]:
            q = []
            for key, value in p.items():
                if key == 'Recommends':   # This downgrades Recommends
                    key = 'Suggests'      # to Suggests
                elif key == 'Depends':
                    key = 'Recommends'
                # Remove backslashes, which are not DEB822 compliant
                value = re.sub(r'\s*\\', '', value)
                q.append((key, value))
        return Deb822List(res)
> So if there is no format line or format 1.0 is specified the resulting
> d/control should not contain Depends but rather Recommends but it should
> not be empty.  Should I file a bug report about this?

Not needed when the above is correct:

I will upload a new experimental package today or tomorrow, which has
the issues fixed that were raised so far.



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