Quoting Cord Beermann (c...@debian.org):
> Hallo! Du (Christian Perrier) hast geschrieben:
> > A few enhancements I would propose to listmasters (or anyone behind
> > the review tool):
> > 
> > - have a display mode for the list archives where messages already
> > "nominated" would be shown in a different way (maybe sorting messages
> > by number of spam nominations?). That would help those people who
> > review archives after 1 or 2 people already did it to spot possible
> > spam more easily
> Although i don't understand fully your suggestion i fear that this
> would lead to less quality in the review, because Reviewers would rely
> on other Reviewers.

Yes, this is what I was suggesting, roughly. Making it easier to spot
out what has more probability to be spam.

I agree this makes reviewers depend on other reviewers, so that can be
seen as debatable..:)

> > - allow reviewing more than 10 nominated posts at a time. This is
> > probably what slows me down the most when reviewing. For the record,
> > this morning, I spent about 40 minutes reviewing 550 nominated posts.
> I chose 10 because i think thats a value that doesn't drive away
> 'part-time' reviewers. But I think about providing pages with more.

*that* would help a lot.

> > - allow coming back on messages one once rated as "Unsure"
> Once a week (Sunday 6:00 GMT) a job runs which picks up all ratings
> and remove the articles and things. After that articles rated as
> 'Unsure' will be displayed again. 

Oh, that's perfect, in such case.

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