notfound 527641 1.35
notfound 527641 1.36
retitle 527641 doesn't support/keep undefined FONT* parameters
close 527641 1.35

On Wed, 20 May 2009, Anton Zinoviev wrote:
> If you have found the bug in versions 1.35 and 1.36, please provide more 
> information: is this reproduced behaviour, how did it occur, what was 
> the contents of the configuration file before and after it was 
> overwriten, etc.

I did this only to reopen the bug. 
> > This is the real problem this bug is about... so closing it with this
> > explanation:
> > >    * Support unset font in Debconf configurator.  Thanks Dave Witbrodt,
> > >      closes: #527641.
> This documents how I fixed the problem discovered by Dave Witbrodt.  You 
> must have found a completely different problem and thats why I am asking 
> for more information.

Well, when I reported #528033, something had lost my "bepo" setting
on upgrade without me doing dpkg-reconfigure console-setup. I assumed
it was already reported since 527641 said "Package installation overwrites
/etc/default/console-setup without warning" in its title. Thas was
consistent with what I saw: /etc/default/console-setup had been
modified/overwritten without my consent to something that did not match my
manual configuration. I didn't see how you adressed that by supporting
empty values... so I reopened the bug.

Now looking closer, it looks like console-setup's config script feed
the values of the config file in debconf and then reuse those to update
only the corresponding lines. So it's not as bad as I thought it was.

I tried to reproduce the problem but did not manage to do it.

I'll close the bug again.

Raphaël Hertzog

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