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On 07/29/2012 08:50 PM, Gabriele Giacone wrote:
> Package: debian-installer
> Trying to install on a ppc VM, 20 GB disk (LVM lv) and "Guided
> partitioning - whole disk", it proposes a 32MB /boot which is too small
> because update-initramfs fills it up during install process and makes it
> fail.
> Workaround is removing / partition, resizing /boot from 32 to 64 MB and
> recreating / partition.
> Please make /boot size 64 MB by default or make update-initramfs not to
> write temporary files under /boot.
> Don't know if it's a problem on other archs too.

Start the installation procedure. When 'Finish partitioning and write
changes to disk' option gets offered chose <Go back>, then choose 'Save
debug logs'.

Attach hardware-summary, partman and syslog files to this bug report.


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