On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 02:29:27AM +0100, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
> Steve McIntyre <st...@einval.com> (2018-12-17):
> > But... The problem you're most likely seeing is caused by a simple
> > fact. The *netboot* image ends up downloading significant chunks of
> > the installer and the base system at runtime from the suite it
> > targets. For buster, that is still very much a moving target and it's
> > likely to already have incompatibilities with the released 20181206
> > netboot image.
> > 
> > Netboot images are *only* useful and safe when they exactly match the
> > state of the Debian release they're targeting. That's either a stable
> > release, or within a couple of days of the build happening if you're
> > looking at testing.
> > 
> > For any other purposes, IMHO you're massively better off using a
> > _netinst_ image instead. Or install stable and upgrade.
> What Steve says is particularly true when there's a difference in major
> libc version (2.27 vs. 2.28; the latter has just migrated to testing
> right after the general block-udeb in britney was lifted).

Thanks for that. I have just test booting off a USB drive with
the netinst.iso image (written with dd) and it works fine.

This seems like an opportunity to improve the documentation...

When I was looking at the notes on [1] I was unsure how to
get the ISO image onto a USB stick. However that is now covered
in the manual, so perhaps a small pointer would be helpful:

  For extra convenience, these images may also be written directly
  to a USB stick.
+ The <a href="https://d-i.debian.org/manual/en.i386/apa.html";>Installation 
Howto</a> how to do this.

One other thing might help others avoid the same mistake:
in [2] could something like this be added to the Notes section?

 * The "other images" such as netboot are only useful and safe
   when they exactly match the state of the Debian release they're
   targeting. In almost all cases that will be a _stable_ release.
   In particular, alpha and beta releases of the installer are
   likely to be unusable for more than a few days.

Apologies for the noise


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