On 18/01/2019 17.17, Jonathan Carter wrote:
On 2019/01/18 08:41, John Crawley wrote:
It just happens that I hit the issue of configuring the removed package
list for a derivative (BunsenLabs) a while ago, and patched live-install
to enable the functionality promised in Live-Manual 8.2.7, mentioned in
Bug report #655198 ie files listed in
config/package-lists/*.list.chroot_live to be removed by
60remove-live-packages. (Also that awk seems to be unavailable at this

Would a bug report, or new post on #655198, be welcome at this time?

I added that bug number to my todo list for bullseye
personally I'm not willing to mess with any functionality this late in
the release cycle, but I'll be happy to look into it as soon as buster
is released. I like the suggestion of using
/cdrom/live/filesystem.packages-remove - that makes it super easy for
derivatives or even just custom spins to modify, and is a bit closer to
how ubiquity uses manifests in Ubuntu (which I thought is quite nice).

And I'm not hereby blocking anyone else from doing it, but I'll make
this one of my first d-i actions once buster is released unless someone
has beaten me to it.

Thanks! Maybe I'll just post our code on #655198 as a mild suggestion, and leave it in your hands then.


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