On Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 09:25:09PM +0200, Paul Gevers wrote:
> Hi Cyril,
> On 23-04-2021 15:13, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
> >> Seems like our current best option is May 22 if you can make it.
> > 
> > That's definitely not what I would call “best option” from an
> > installer point of view.
> I hear you. So, I fear that we're getting into a situation where
> everything except the installer is more or less ready for the bullseye
> release. (Well assuming the shim is signed any time soon).
> > D-I Bullseye RC 1 was published a few hours ago. And at the risk of
> > sounding like a broken record: I have *absolutely no guarantee* to
> > have a fix or workaround for the amdgpu issue in less than a month,
> > that would be tested somewhat.
> > 
> > Can we please *not* release with black screens for AMD users?
> Indeed, let's not. But can't we get the full Debian community on board
> to search for good solution? I have the feeling there's much interest to
> release sooner rather than late, so maybe there's brains we can use to
> help the installer forward? I'm going to draft a bits shortly, is there
> a bug number or mail thread we can point at?
> Also, I recognize that the debian-installer is largely handled by you
> alone. I estimate that it's not going to help you on the short term if
> people volunteer to help with the coding as you would be spending time
> on on-boarding them. So, how can we, the Debian Community, help you
> getting the installer in releasable shape? I can think of testing RC1,
> but what else? Do you have the right hardware available for the amdgpu
> issue? Can people try out solutions for you? Tell us, or tell us how to
> find out.

I've got the right hardware to try with an older AMD card (radeon firmware)
and a newer one (amdgpu) - that's not so much the problem, it's that users
will expect it to "just work" and it's quite hard to see ahead of time 
whether it will or not. GPUs and installing over WiFi - if we could sort
that, we'd be golden.

Andy C.

> That said, I still think it's good to keep May 22 in the agenda as an
> option to do the release, with the remark that we'll not release when
> we're not ready (as Debian always does).
> Paul

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