On Sat, 05 Jun 2021, Philip Hands wrote:

> Philip Hands <p...@hands.com> writes:
> ...
> >  c) filter the old masterlist to only include entries that are also in
> >     the new list, and then use the result of that, perhaps with a tweak
> >     to promote deb.d.o
> BTW Promoting deb.d.o can be done thus:
> https://salsa.debian.org/philh/choose-mirror/-/commit/70caed09fbf4bfbcc9eca82168cf3936868d8394
> which produces this menu ordering:
>   https://openqa.debian.net/tests/6101#step/mirror_selection/2

And then add a line that maybe gives some number (6, 7?) to other things
matching ~/\.debian\.org$/?

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