> > I am aware of that, that's not the point I'm trying to make. The
> point
> > is that having anyone explicitly named assigns ownership and is a
> > barrier for others to contribute.
> FWIW, I never understood it that way, at all.
> In the context of a team, "Uploaders" just lets me know about people
> who
> consider themselves to be among the people regularly working on this
> package, so a good contact point.
> But if Maintainers is a team, and I'm in that team, I'm free to
> upload,
> whether in Uploaders or not.
> And if I'm a frequent uploader, I add myself to Uploaders.
> A good example is the Debian Python Team, where the policy [1]
> explicitly states that "[anyone in the Team] can commit to the Git
> repository and upload as needed".

It's great that it works for you and for some teams, but it doesn't
work for me and for others. For me, if someone else is listed in
Uploaders, then it's their property and I'm not touching it unless
absolutely necessary.

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi

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