On Sun, 28 May 2006 11:41:25 +0200 Davide Viti wrote:
> On Fri, May 26, 2006 at 07:06:22PM +0200, Holger Wansing wrote:
> > Additional info:
> > 
> > ö + ä + ü doesn't work in both installers
> > (with correct layout chosen; read further)
> > 
> > AND
> > 
> > in g-i the wrong keyboard layout is chosen for de: z and y are
> > swapped (on a german keyboard the y is left between x and z is left
> > between u; also known as qwertz layout). So there seems to be an
> > english keyboard selected. In the traditional d-i this works fine.
> > 
> We have only a bugreport (#339352) relate do g-i and keyboard.  The
> current libraries are something like three years old and we're about
> to switch to the new ones: don't think it would make sense to debug
> the problem now. We'll try to see if it reproduces once the new libs
> will be available.

Yes, I tried the new gtkdfb 2.9 g-i from [1] and the mentioned
issues are fixed! Well done.


[1] https://debian.polito.it/downloads/udebs/mini.iso


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