On Fri, Aug 04, 2006 at 02:58:54AM -0500, Mr Mop wrote:
> Here is my problem.
> I have a laptop with a floppy drive and a network connection.  I do not have 
> a CD-ROM drive.
> If you use the CD-ROM to install Debian/Ubuntu you are presented with a 
> prompt to type commands in prior to
> installing.
> If you use the Debian install floppies you are also presented with this 
> prompt to type commands in.
> However Ubuntu do not provide these floppies.
> I have asked a number of times on the Ubuntu support forums but there seems 
> to be an lack of
> 'something' so people do not know/care etc about floppies.
> I have managed to do a net install of the full distro on my laptop, but I do 
> not want the full distro, I only want
> to install the base system and then pick and choose from then on.
> I thought the best place to ask about modifying the Debian disks would be the 
> Debian list, so here goes.
> How do I take the Debian install floppies and mod them so that they install 
> Ubuntu instead?  Is this possible?
> I've looked at the boot and root floppies and I cannot find where it points 
> towards a Debian server to download
> the initial set of files.
> Can anyone help me out?

At http://bugs.debian.org/381311 are some pointers about install floppies.

Something else: I think that Debian (net) install fits original poster needs,
because it does not a full distro install by default.

Geert Stappers

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