Am Montag, 14. August 2006 13:23 schrieb Junichi Uekawa:
> Hi,
> > After electing elilo (GRUB/LILO were presented as alternatives)
> > installing elilo stalled at 50%. I had accepted to install into the only
> > presented partition (/dev/sda1, about 200 MB FAT32 partition, partman
> > reported 3.1 kB free memory before.). This first partition was created my
> > the Apple DiskUtility. /dev/sda6 where I installed the base system was
> > formatted as an ext3 24 GB FS using the Debian installer.
> try running gptsync.  Then installing lilo to partition / grub to partition
> shoud work.
> They are looking at FAT tables, not GPT, so you need to clone the data
> from GPT to FAT, since parted will reset FAT (to the letter of EFI
> spec).
> see, which seems to be the most
> actively maintained out of all intel-mac related pages.  We should
> probably start thinking about consolidating them.
Thanks a lot for your tip. I succedded to install the Etch Beta-3 using the 
following steps.
- Using Apples Diskutility I wiped the whole startup disk and created 4 
- Installed MacOSX on the first parition
- Installed refit 0.7
- Used Etch Beta-3 (nothing special, installing into /dev/sda3). Instead 
of "Install the GRUB" I switched to console, and entered the following 
$ chroot /target apt-get install refit
$ /target/sbin/gptsync /dev/sda
$ chroot /target
$ lilo /dev/sda3
(ignoring some warnings from lilo)
After this the installation continued fine, and I have no a running Debian 

Best regards

Niklaus Giger

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