On Friday 18 August 2006 11:55, Tapio Lehtonen wrote:
> Is it necessary to have the installer guide msgids in po files one
> huge line? It would seem to me they could be indented to make them
> more readable.

I'm afraid it is a "feature" of poxml and the regular podebconf tools. The 
reason that the text in your example is one string is that it is all 
included in a single <para>.

> I did not find a readymade program for indenting xml, but I could
> write some python code to make the above indented sensibly. I was
> planning setting a max line length and starting a new line for tags
> like <listitem>, <para>, <varlistentry> etc.

If you can find a way to do that cleanly, that would be fine by me.
We will then also need to find a way to cleanly include it in the current 
scripts used when building the manual.

The POT files are created in scripts/update_pot using poxml. We could 
probably easily add a formatting script as a kind of post-processing 
script after poxml has been executed.

The PO files are updated in scripts/update_po using a simple:
   msgmerge -q -U --backup=simple $PO $POT
Not sure how that may have to be changed to prevent reformatting.


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