Quoting Michael Noisternig ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Package: installation-reports
> Boot method: network
> Image version: 10 Aug 2006, debian.org
> Date: 10 Aug 2006

Please give the exact URL which you downloaded the images
from. Without this information, there is no chance that we can give
you a motivated answer.

> The debian net-installer is highly unreliable in that it does neither 
> re-try to install packets it couldn't get from the net at first attempt 
> (e.g. after lost TCP connections) nor does it prompt the user what to do 
> in such case - it just ignores the packet. You end up with a system that 

Can you mention *exactly* what was the failure and *when* it did
happen ?

When the installer fails to download packages it *does* warn users.

> Next day: re-format and re-install everything. This time everything 
> seemd to work fine, after reboot I got gnome by default. Now I 
> immediately wanted to install some other packages. BUT! Same problem 
> with apt-get on bigger packages! Small ones work fine, e.g. madplay. But 

You definitely have a problem on your network connection with the
mirror you were using. Have you tried changing the mirror?

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