
Steven Chamberlain <ste...@pyro.eu.org> writes:
>> Any idea what's wrong with the perl testsuite in
>> jessie-kfreebsd-security?
> It's the same thing we saw in sid recently until they added a workaround
> (https://bugs.debian.org/796798).

Oh great we know the actual problem? :-)

> It began after the kernel was upgraded from 9.0 to 10.0.  It may also be
> related to softupdates if we have that enabled now;  or even a bug in
> some other filesystem layer if schroot uses e.g. nullfs

I should see that in `mount` right? It doesn't seem to have any
softupdate there:

 % mount
/dev/vtbd0s1 on / (ufs, local)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local, multilabel)
linprocfs on /proc (linprocfs, local)
linsysfs on /sys (linsysfs, local)
fdescfs on /dev/fd (fdescfs)
tmpfs on /run (tmpfs, local, noexec, nosuid)
tmpfs on /run/lock (tmpfs, local, noexec, nosuid)
tmpfs on /run/shm (tmpfs, local, noexec, nosuid)
/dev/vtbd1s1 on /srv (ufs, local)
/dev/vtbd1s3 on /srv/build-trees (ufs, asynchronous, local)
/srv/home on /home (nullfs, local)
/dev/vtbd1s2 on /srv/buildd (ufs, asynchronous, local)

> We should raise the issue upstream as it seems to be a kernel bug, but
> we could also apply the workaround in jessie-kfreebsd-security if it is
> needed urgently.

As DSA has been asking about that issue at least twice I'm inclined to
have a fix uploaded. probably jessie-kfreebsd-proposed-updates and I'd
do it tomorrow "morning" I guess?


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