
I checked a few other images, namely the daily netboot builds from 05/12, 
05/18, 06/05 and 06/11 (today).
They all have the same problem: "physical volume for encryption" doesn't show 
up during partitioning, neither with crypto-modules-10.3.0-amd64-di, nor with 
crypto-dm-modules-10.3.0-amd64-di, nor with both loaded.
Also, zfs encryption doesn't seem to work (`zfs create -o encryption=on ...` 
gives "cannot create 'bsdpool/bsdroot': invalid property 'encryption'".

Kind regards,

On Fri, 10 Jun 2016 16:12:23 +0200 UTC,
Philipp Martis <philipp2...@web.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> basically, it should already work out of the box, at least that's how it is 
> described in the Installation Guide:
> https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/kfreebsd-amd64/ch06s03.html.en#partman-crypto
> Unfortunately, it doesn't work, neither with crypto-modules, nor with 
> dm-crypto-modules, nor with both loaded.
> Also, zfs encryption doesn't seem to work.
> I tested it with the daily build from today.
> Is there any way I could help or could somebody describe a solution to get it 
> to work?
> Kind regards,
> Philipp Martis
> >To: debian-bsd@lists.debian.org
> >Subject: kfreebsd -- encryption options
> >From: Andrew McGlashan <andrew.mcglas...@affinityvision.com.au>
> >Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 11:23:25 +1100
> >Message-id: <56fb1c7d.9070...@affinityvision.com.au>
> >
> >Hi,
> >
> >Having a Debian Linux installation with dropbear for pre-boot unlocking
> >of encrypted partitions (including root [and everything except for
> >/boot] on LVM).  The disk partitions actually being mirrors created
> >using mdadm (RAID1) and then encrypted using cryptsetup (dm-crypt).
> >
> >How would one go about getting the same sort of set up in Debian /
> >kFreeBSD ?
> >
> >Thanks
> >AndrewMM

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