Source: rust-rusqlite
Version: 0.29.0-2
Severity: serious

Issues preventing migration:
∙ ∙ autopkgtest for rust-rusqlite/0.29.0-2: amd64: Pass, arm64: Regression or 
new test ♻ (reference ♻), armel: Regression or new test ♻ (reference ♻), armhf: 
Regression or new test ♻ (reference ♻), i386: Pass, ppc64el: Reference test in 
progress, but real test failed already, s390x: Regression or new test ♻ 
(reference ♻)

146s error[E0308]: mismatched types
146s     --> src/
146s      |
146s 1782 |         let r = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_open(":memory:\0".as_ptr() as 
*const i8, &mut handle) };
146s      |                          ----------------- 
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `*const u8`, found `*const i8`
146s      |                          |
146s      |                          arguments to this function are incorrect
146s      |
146s      = note: expected raw pointer `*const u8`
146s                 found raw pointer `*const i8`
146s note: function defined here
146s     --> 
146s      |
146s 3    | ...* mut :: std :: os :: raw :: c_void) ; } extern "C" { pub fn 
sqlite3_open (filename : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , ppDb : *...
146s      |                                                                 
146s For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0308`.
146s error: could not compile `rusqlite` due to previous error

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