Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Edward Betts <>

* Package name    : pyflic
  Version         : 2.0.3
  Upstream Author : soldag <>
* URL             :
* License         : CC0-1.0
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Library to connect and interact with Flic buttons

  This library enables communication with Flic's smart Bluetooth buttons by
  connecting to a Flic service. It is primarily used for receiving click events
  from the buttons. The service runs either on the same device or any network-
  accessible machine, managing button interactions such as single, double, and
  hold clicks. By leveraging this service, the library facilitates the
  management of button events, ensuring actions are triggered appropriately and
  supporting features like event queuing during connections. Users can configure
  the service to discover new buttons or manage specific click types according
  to their needs.

This library is a dependancy of Home Assistant, the Python smart home platform.
I plan to maintain it as part of the Home Assistant team.

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