Ludovic Courtes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,


> The `lmodern' currently depends on TeX which is unfortunate since other
> packages (such as `lout') would benefit from being able to use the Latin
> Modern fonts without having to install several megabytes of TeX related
> software.

Right, I already thought about that, and will look into it when sarge is
released. The scheme we'll use in etch to manage .cfg files under
/etc/texmf/updmap.d/ will make it easier.

> Therefore, I think it would be nice to split `lmodern' into two
> packages, one of which (e.g. `lmodern-fonts') would not depend on TeX
> and would only provide the AFM and PFB (PFA would be nice too) files of
> the actual Latin Modern fonts.

I don't think I will split the package. ftp-masters don't like to
multiply the number of packages, and they have good reasons for this. I
think it should be possible in postinst/postrm to register/unregister
the fonts for TeX only if the tools are available (and to make the
package installation fail if they are available and running them fails).
If lmodern is installed before teTeX, the latter will run updmap (and I
suppose, also update-updmap before updmap; if not, it should be added),
so it should also work in that case.

[ The overhead for non-TeX users should not be that significant. I think
  it is mostly due to TFM files, which amount to 2176 Kbytes (counting 4
  Kbytes for small files) according to:

  dpkg -L lmodern |grep '\.tfm$' | xargs du -sk | awk '{print $1}' \
    | python -c 'import sys
print "+".join([:-1].split("\n"))' \
    | bc

  With the following command and variations therof:

dpkg -L lmodern |grep '\.tfm$' | xargs ls -l | awk '{print $5}' \
    | python -c 'import sys, operator
l = map(int,[:-1].split("\n"))
for t in l:
    if t <= 4096: print "%u" % t' \
    | wc -l

    one can see that there are 228 TFM files, 78 of which are under 4096
    bytes. ]

As for the PFA files you mentioned:
  1. They are not shipped upstream;
  2. AFAIK, they don't provide more information than PFB files but take
     much, much more space.

Considering this, I don't see them entering the package anytime soon...


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