On Sat, 2005-01-22 at 13:14 +0100, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> Well, the smooth engine doesn't have it either, and I don't think it's
> much a problem. As it is becoming widely used by themes, most of them
> don't have a resize grip now. As most resizeable don't have this grip, I
> think it makes sense, UI-speaking, as it avoids confusion.

Oddly enough, the smooth engine *does* seem to have it, but
inconsistently. (on my system, using Glider, I see it on Totem, but in
Nautilus, the widget doesn't show up and in fact seems to not be

All the others I tried, BlueCurve, Industrial, Default, ThinIce, Mist,
and Crux all did have the visible widget, so I think the ones without it
are in the minority. While use of the widget is not universally present
on apps, I think it's better to have it visible where it's present, or
else find a way to make it not present at all.

Otherwise, you're stuck with behavior that's not only inconsistent, but
indistinguishable at a glance-- some windows "magically" have a little
bigger lower-right corner. Having it visually distinct, but still not
universally present probably isn't a whole lot better for consistency,
but I think the lack of handle in the statusbar is an app bug. :) 

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