Hola Marcelo E. Magallon!

>  > Bug#48068: Window Maker segfaults.
>  > Bug#60863: wmaker: getstyle binary has problems with NFS locking
>  > Bug#62671: wmaker: problems with nfs
>  > Bug#66747: wmaker: Wmaker core dumps on exit/restart
>  Are those still present?

I don't think so, but I pinged the submitters in order to check if they are
still present or not.

FWIW, I use wmaker over NFS and I don't experience this problem, but I
don't know if it's due to some different configuration (as in not the
no_lock thing).

So far, all the ones that replied have said that they can't reproduce the
bug, I'm waiting to see if someone states that the bug can be reproduced,
if nobody says so, these bugs can be closed.

 Bezos,     (o.
     Marga. (/)_

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