On Thu, Jan 27, 2005 at 11:51:45AM +0100, Fabio Tranchitella wrote:
> Il giorno mer, 26-01-2005 alle 22:01 +0100, Denis Barbier ha scritto:
> > Hi Fabio,
> > I would like to fix these bugs.  Will you have time soon to provide a
> > patch?  Otherwise I will work on them.
> Hi Denis,
>   I've prepared the patch two weeks ago but I've missed to send it to
> the bts, sorry. Here there is a patch for #288532, #292472 and #288533.

Ok, I made many cosmetic changes to the code, I believe it is more
structured now.

> Now podebconf-report-po:
>  - uses the DEBMAIL environment variable to override the submitter 
>    of the emails (if available).
>  - allows the editing of mail headers (subject, from and whatever else),
>  - allows to set the reply-to field to a bug report in BTS (--bts)
>  - can send a bug against the package to warn the maintainer about
>    the outdated translations of the package (--report, very useful 
>    in combination with --bts to track the replies of the translators)

I renamed --report into --submit.  The other visible change is that
translation teams are no more Cc'ed but put in the To: field.  The
reason is that I did not know what to do if a Cc header was also present
in mail comments.

Can you please test
?  Here is the podebconf-report-po script.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# podebconf-report-po, Send outdated debconf PO files to the last translator
# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Fabio Tranchitella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#                          Denis Barbier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

## Release information
my $PROGRAM = "podebconf-report-po";
my $VERSION = "0.06";

## Loaded modules, require libmail-sendmail-perl
use strict;
eval q{use Mail::Sendmail;};
die "$PROGRAM: This program requires the libmail-sendmail-perl package.\n".
    "$PROGRAM: Aborting!\n" if $@;
use MIME::Base64;
use MIME::QuotedPrint;
use Getopt::Long;
use POSIX;

## Global variables
my $HELP_ARG = 0;
my $VERSION_ARG = 0;
my $VERBOSE_ARG = 0;
my $SUBMIT_ARG = 0;
my $FORCE_ARG = 0;
my $SMTP_ARG = "";
my $TEMPLATE_ARG = "";
my $DEFAULT_ARG = 0;
my $PACKAGE_ARG = "";
my $FROM_ARG = (exists($ENV{'DEBEMAIL'}) ? $ENV{'DEBEMAIL'} : "");
my $BTS_ARG = "";
my $DEADLINE_ARG = "";
my $PODIR_ARG = "";

my @TOPDIRS = qw{../.. .. .};

my $PODIR = '';

my $EDITOR = '/usr/bin/sensible-editor';

## Default templates
my $comments = "# Lines beginning with a number sign are comments, they are 
removed when
# sending mails.  If a line is composed of a # followed by a 'Name: Value'
# pair, it is interpreted as a mail header field and is passed to your mail
# transport agent.  You can edit/add/remove those header fields.";

my $SUBJECT_TRANSLATOR = "Please update debconf PO translation for the package 
my $BODY_TRANSLATOR = $comments. "
# From: <from>
# Subject: <subject>
# Reply-To: <reply-to>
# This mail will be sent to the following people:


you are noted as the last translator of the debconf translation for
<package>. The English template has been changed, and now some messages
are marked \"fuzzy\" in your translation or are missing.
I would be grateful if you could take the time and update it.


my $SUBJECT_SUBMIT = "debconf PO translations for the package <package> are 
my $BODY_SUBMIT = $comments. "
# From: <from>
# Subject: <subject>

Package: <package>
Version: N/A
Severity: wishlist
Tags: l10n

The following debconf translations are outdated:

Translators, please send your translations to this bugreport.


my $SUBJECT = '';
my $BODY = '';

## Handle options
 "help"            => \$HELP_ARG,
 "version"         => \$VERSION_ARG,
 "v|verbose"       => \$VERBOSE_ARG,
 "f|force"         => \$FORCE_ARG,
 "podir=s"         => \$PODIR_ARG,
 "smtp=s"          => \$SMTP_ARG,
 "template=s"      => \$TEMPLATE_ARG,
 "default"         => \$DEFAULT_ARG,
 "languageteam"    => \$LANGUAGETEAM_ARG,
 "package=s"       => \$PACKAGE_ARG,
 "deadline=s"      => \$DEADLINE_ARG,
 "from=s"          => \$FROM_ARG,
 "bts=s"           => \$BTS_ARG,
 "submit"          => \$SUBMIT_ARG
 ) or &Help_InvalidOption;

&Help_PrintVersion if $VERSION_ARG;
&Help_PrintHelp    if $HELP_ARG;

## Try to find default editor
$EDITOR = $ENV{'EDITOR'} if exists($ENV{'EDITOR'});
$EDITOR = $ENV{'VISUAL'} if exists($ENV{'VISUAL'});

## Try to locate the PO directory
if ($PODIR_ARG eq "") {
        foreach my $d (@TOPDIRS) {
                $PODIR = "$d/debian/po" if (-d "$d/debian/po");
} else {
        $PODIR = $PODIR_ARG;
die "Directory po not found, exiting!\n" if $PODIR eq "";
die "Wrong argument: $PODIR is not a directory!\n" unless -d $PODIR;

## Try to find the maintainer e-mail address and the package name
if ($PACKAGE_ARG eq "" or $FROM_ARG eq "") {
        my $CONTROL = '';
        foreach my $d (@TOPDIRS) {
                $CONTROL = "$d/debian/control" if (-f "$d/debian/control");
        if ($CONTROL eq '') {
                foreach my $d (@TOPDIRS) {
                        $CONTROL = "$d/debian/control.in" if (-f 

        if (-f $CONTROL) {
                ##  Only read the first stanza
                local $/ = "\n\n";
                open (CNTRL, "< $CONTROL")
                        or die "Unable to read $CONTROL: $!\n";
                my $text = <CNTRL>;
                close (CNTRL)
                        or die "Unable to close $CONTROL: $!\n";
                if ($PACKAGE_ARG eq "" && $text =~ m/^Source: (.*)/m) {
                        $PACKAGE_ARG = $1;

                if ($FROM_ARG eq "" && $text =~ m/^Maintainer: (.*)/m) {
                        $FROM_ARG = $1;
Verbose("Package: $PACKAGE_ARG\nMaintainer: $FROM_ARG");

if ($DEADLINE_ARG ne "") {
        $DEADLINE_ARG = "\nThe deadline for receiving the updated translation 

my $REPLY = '';
if ($BTS_ARG =~ m/^\d+$/) {
        $BTS_ARG .= "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
        $REPLY = "Please respect the Reply-To: field and send your updated 
translation to\n$BTS_ARG.";
} else {
        $REPLY = "Please send the updated file to me, or submit it as a 
wishlist bug\nagainst <package>.";

if ($SUBMIT_ARG) {
        $BODY = $BODY_SUBMIT;
} else {

## Apply the values to the subject and to the body of the message

$SUBJECT =~ s/<package>/$PACKAGE_ARG/g;
$BODY =~ s/<reply>/$REPLY/g;
$BODY =~ s/<reply-to>/$BTS_ARG/g;
$BODY =~ s/\n# Reply-To: \n/\n/;
$BODY =~ s/<subject>/$SUBJECT/g;
$BODY =~ s/<package>/$PACKAGE_ARG/g;
$BODY =~ s/<from>/$FROM_ARG/g;
$BODY =~ s/\n<deadline>/$DEADLINE_ARG/g;

## Check every file with .po extension in $PODIR ...
Verbose("Checking for PO files in $PODIR");
opendir(DIR, $PODIR);
my $poFiles = {};
foreach my $poFile (grep(/\.po$/, readdir(DIR))) {
        local $/ = "\n\n";
        $poFiles->{$poFile} = {};
        my $outdated = 0;
        my $found_header = 0;
        open (PO, "< $PODIR/$poFile")
                or die "Unable to read $PODIR/$poFile: $!\n";
        while (<PO>) {
                if ($found_header == 0 && m/msgid ""\nmsgstr/s) {
                        $found_header = 1;
                        if (m/^"Last-Translator: (.*?)(\\n)?"$/m) {
                                $poFiles->{$poFile}->{translator} = $1
                                        if $1 ne 'FULL NAME <[EMAIL 
                        } else {
                                warn "Warning: $poFile:  Unable to determine 
last translator.  Skipping file!\n";
                        if (m/^"Content-Type: .*; charset=(.*?)(\\n)?"$/m) {
                                $poFiles->{$poFile}->{charset} = $1;
                        } else {
                                warn "Warning: $poFile:  Unable to determine 
charset.  Skipping file!\n";
                        if ($LANGUAGETEAM_ARG && m/^"Language-Team: 
(.*?)(\\n)?"$/m) {
                                $poFiles->{$poFile}->{team} = $1
                                        if $1 ne 'LANGUAGE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>';
                #  Ignore outdated msgids
                next unless m/^msgid /m;
                #  Check for fuzzy or missing translations
                if (m/^#, .*fuzzy/m or m/\nmsgstr ""$/s) {
                        $outdated = 1;
        close (PO)
                or die "Unable to close $PODIR/$poFile: $!\n";
        delete $poFiles->{$poFile} unless $outdated;
if (keys %$poFiles) {
        print "Outdated files: ".join(' ', keys %$poFiles)."\n";
} else {
        print "No outdated files\n";

my $filelist = '';
if ($SUBMIT_ARG) {
        $filelist = join(' ', keys %$poFiles)."\n";
} else {
        foreach my $poFile (keys %$poFiles) {
                $filelist .= '### ' . $poFile . ': ' . 
                $filelist .= ', ' . $poFiles->{$poFile}->{team} if 
                $filelist .= "\n";
        #  Remove non-ASCII characters
        $filelist =~ s/[\x80-\xff]/?/g;
$BODY =~ s/<filelist>\n/$filelist/g;

my %headers = ();
if ($TEMPLATE_ARG eq "") {
        $BODY = &OpenEditor($EDITOR, $BODY) if not $DEFAULT_ARG;
} else {
        $BODY = &ReadFile($TEMPLATE_ARG);
%headers = &ParseHeaders($BODY);
$BODY = &RemoveHeaders($BODY);

my @mails = ();
if ($SUBMIT_ARG) {
        $BODY =~ s/<filelist>/$filelist/g;
        my %mail = (
                From => $FROM_ARG,
                To => "[EMAIL PROTECTED]",
                Subject => $SUBJECT
        $mail{body} = encode_qp($BODY);
        @mails = (\%mail);
} else {
        $BODY = encode_qp($BODY);
        foreach my $file (keys %$poFiles) {
                my $file_encoded = encode_base64(&ReadFile($PODIR . "/" . 
                my %mail = (
                        From => $FROM_ARG,
                        To => $poFiles->{$file}->{translator},
                        Subject => $SUBJECT
                $mail{To} .= ", ". $poFiles->{$file}->{team}
                        if defined $poFiles->{$file}->{team};

                my $boundary = "=" . time() . "=";
                $mail{'content-type'} = "multipart/mixed; 
                $mail{body} = <<_EOF_;
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


Content-Type: text/x-gettext; name="$file"; 
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="$file"


                push(@mails, \%mail);

#  Add mail headers
foreach my $refmail (@mails) {
        foreach my $h (keys(%headers)) {
                $refmail->{$h} = $headers{$h};
        $refmail->{smtp} = $SMTP_ARG if ($SMTP_ARG ne '');

if (!$FORCE_ARG) {
        if ($SUBMIT_ARG) {
                print "Ready to send the bug report against the package 
$PACKAGE_ARG, are you sure? [y/N] ";
        } else {
                print "Ready to send the emails, are you sure? [y/N] ";
        my $line = <>;
        chop $line;
        exit(0) if ($line ne "Y" and $line ne "y");

#  Make Perl compiler quiet
print $Mail::Sendmail::error . $Mail::Sendmail::error if 0;
foreach my $mail (@mails) {
        sendmail(%{$mail}) || print "Couldn't send the email: 


sub OpenEditor
        my $editor = shift;
        my $body = shift;
        my $opts = "";
        my $tmpnam = tmpnam();

        open (OUT, "> $tmpnam")
                or die ("Couldn't write $tmpnam: $!\nExiting!\n");
        print OUT $body;
                or die ("Couldn't close $tmpnam: $!\nExiting!\n");

        $opts = "-f" if ($editor eq "vim");
        system("$editor $opts $tmpnam");

        $body = &ReadFile($tmpnam) if (-f $tmpnam);

        return $body;

sub ParseHeaders
        my $body = shift;
        my %headers = ();

        while ($body =~ s/^#\s*([^\n]*)\n//s) {
                my $comment = $1;
                if ($comment =~ m/^([^:\n]+):\s*([^\n]+)\n$/) {
                        $headers{$1} = $2;
        return %headers;

sub RemoveHeaders
        my $body = shift;
        #  First remove comments
        1 while $body =~ s/^#[^\n]*\n//s;
        #  Optional empty lines
        $body =~ s/^\s+//s;
        return $body;

sub ReadFile
        my $file = shift;
        local $/ = undef;
        open(FILE, "< $file")
                or die ("Couldn't read $file: $!\nExiting!\n");
        my $body = <FILE>;
                or die ("Couldn't close $file: $!\nExiting!\n");
        return $body;

## Handle invalid arguments
sub Help_InvalidOption
        print STDERR "Try `${PROGRAM} --help' for more information.\n";
        exit 1;

## Print the usage message and exit
sub Help_PrintHelp
        print <<_EOF_;

Send outdated debconf PO files to the last translators.

  --help                display this help and exit
  --version             display version information and exit
  -v, --verbose         display additional information
  -f, --force           send the email without confirmation
  --podir=DIRECTORY     specify where are located the PO files
  --smtp=SERVER         specify SMTP server for mailing (default localhost)
  --template=TEMPLATE   specify file to use it as template for the emails
  --default             don't open the editor and use the template as is
  --package=PACKAGE     specify the name of the package
  --from=MAINTAINER     specify the name and the email address of the sender
  --deadline=DEADLINE   specify the deadline for receiving the updated
  --languageteam        send the email also to the Language Team
  --submit              send a bug report against the package with a report
                        of the outdated debconf translations
  --bts=BUGNUMBER       specify the Debian bug number to set as reply-to

        exit 0;

## Print the version text and exit
sub Help_PrintVersion
        print <<_EOF_;
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Fabio Tranchitella and Denis Barbier.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
        exit 0;

sub Verbose
        my $msg = shift;
        return unless $VERBOSE_ARG;
        $msg =~ s/^/**${PROGRAM}: /mg;
        print STDERR $msg."\n";

Reply via email to