On Sun, Jan 30, 2005 at 01:31:56AM +0100, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> Le dimanche 30 janvier 2005 à 02:13 +0200, Marius Gedminas a écrit :
> > On my laptop (which now runs Ubuntu Hoary) I get (translating from
> > Lithuanian) "Cannot open http://www.debian.org": it is not a folder".
> Right, nautilus is only a file-manager now so it tries to open a network
> share (like a webdav one), not a webpage.

I think there was a time when you could apt-get install nautilus-gtkhtml
or something, and then it knew how to render HTML files in a nautilus

> > "www.debian.org", and I got what looks like a word processor embedded in
> > a new Nautilus window, displaying an empty page.  There are no extra
> > translated menu items.
> so no bug here neither ? Do you think we can close this bug ?


Marius Gedminas
C++ is a loaded machine gun helpfully pointed at your feet with the safety off.
        -- ChaosDiscord on Slashdot

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