Thanks very much.

OK. I see... so it should probably be a request filed on procps (which
provides sysctl) in order to have /etc/sysctl.conf changed in order to
have something like :

kernel.printk = 4       4       1       7

by default in there.

I doubt most users would need to have less important messages than
errors displayed on the console.

I'll file a bug-report on procps.

Best regards,

Georg Neis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> * Olivier Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Martin Schulze wrote:
>> > Benjamin Drieu wrote:
>> > > 
>> > > I often have to install firewalls based on Debian and kernel logging
>> > > make console useless, so everytime I have to change klog init.d
>> > > scripts to add a "-c" option to avoid flooding the console.
>> > 
>> > That's what syctl is for and not klogd.
>> > 
>> Could you be more specific ?
>> I couldn't find information about "syctl" :(
> That shoud be "sysctl".
> $ man sysctl
> [...]
>    sysctl  is used to modify kernel parameters at runtime.  The parameters
>    available are those listed under /proc/sys/.
> [...]
> $ man proc
> [...]
>    /proc/sys/kernel/printk
>           The  four values in this file are console_loglevel, default_mes-
>           sage_loglevel,    minimum_console_level     and     default_con-
>           sole_loglevel.   These  values  influence printk() behavior when
>           printing or logging error messages. See syslog(2) for more  info
>           on  the  different  loglevels.   Messages with a higher priority
>           than console_loglevel will be printed to the console.   Messages
>           without  an  explicit  priority  will  be  printed with priority
>           default_message_level.  minimum_console_loglevel is the  minimum
>           (highest)   value   to   which   console_loglevel  can  be  set.
>           default_console_loglevel  is  the   default   value   for   con-
>           sole_loglevel.
> [...]

Olivier BERGER (OpenPGP: 1024D/B4C5F37F)
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