Hi Maximilian,

Since some kernel 2.6.x SATA devices are part of the
SCSI layer. This can be configured back to the
IDE layer, AFAIK. See the kernel configuration and
build a new kernel.

But the SCSI layer works pretty well. If you need
to switch back to kernel 2.4.x sometimes, then I would
suggest to label the partitions of your harddisks
(see man tune2fs, option -L, or man reiserfstune, -l).
You could use something like

LABEL=root /      ext2    defaults    0       1
LABEL=swap none   swap    sw          0       0
LABEL=home /home  ext2    defaults    0       1

in your /etc/fstab, instead of /dev/hda1 or /dev/sda1.



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