On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 23:10:46 +0100, Jakub Wilk wrote:

> Package: debian-policy
> Severity: wishlist
> How should packages behave if there is no explicit "parallel=N" in
> DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS? I saw two different approaches:
> 1) Behave (roughly) like if parallel=1 was set.
> 2) Be clever and try to guess the "right" level of parallelism, e.g.
> by using "getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN" or parsing /proc/cpuinfo
> (ugh!).
> Could the Policy clarify which approach is correct? Thanks!
I think 1 would make most sense, and avoid breaking expectations, just
like 'make' without -j runs one job at a time.


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