On Thu, 2004-07-08 at 18:48 +0200, Jonas Meurer wrote:

> Package: mp3roaster
> Version: 0.2.0-4
> Severity: minor
> hi,
Hello Jonas,

Sorry for my late answer but just now I have the time to prepare the
next upcoming MP3Roaster release (0.3.0) and it's relative Debian

> it would be nice, if mp3roaster would allow special characters like for
> example spaces in filenames. i name my mp3 files in the way
> "Artist - Song Title.mp3", what is "Artist\ -\ Song\ Title.mp3" for
> shell commands.
> anyway, mp3roaster seems to cut everything after the first space, so
> it gives for the above example:
> Artist: no such file or directory
Actually MP3Roaster renames the files in the check_files_task, this
option can be easily disabled setting $config_check_files = 0; in the

        #   CHECK FILES
        #   Here you can enable or disable the check files tasks.
        $config_check_files = 0;

This should solve your problem.

> second, the manpage tells me to put my filenames into quotes, what
> simply doesn't work. mp3roaster takes every single word as own filename,
> and if you give all in quotes, it believes that it's one large filename.
I'm fixing this in the next upcoming release (0.3.0).

> bye
>  jonas
Thanks for your contribute -- I'm actually looking for developers,
testers for the new release, would you be interested?



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