Am 21.03.2012 17:39, schrieb Anders E. Andersen:
> Den 21-03-2012 16:49, Patrick Matthäi skrev:
>> What happens if you cd to your project directory and then call:
>>  $ melt fooo.project
>> ?
> I am assuming you mean to run melt on the kdenlive project file
> (foo.kdenlive). I get an x window where the video plays. There are some
> key shortcuts to control the player, which seem to work.
> The video plays to the end and then stops.
> I do get four errors, which I see in kdenlive as well. It reports "[flac
> @ hex-number] max_analyse_duration reached" four times. But this doesn't
> seem to be a critical problem. I also get an error from kdenlive about a
> floating point conversion of a qcomp parameter of libx264. The profile
> gives the number 0.6 to this parameter but apparently this is sensitive
> to the locale of the system (Danish) and so libx264 expects a comma
> instead of a point (0,6 instead of 0.6). Again I don't expect that this
> is the real issue either since it also fails on the webm codec. I did
> not see this error when I run the project directly with melt. Then I
> only see the flac issue.
> I don't know how important it is that I cd to the project folder, for
> what you are asking, but I tried anyway to run melt from my home folder
> and just give the full project path. It seems to do the same thing, in
> that it plays the project to the end and then stops.

What do you get for outputs if you start kdenlive from console and then
try to render it?

Mit freundlichem Gruß / With kind regards,
 Patrick Matthäi
 GNU/Linux Debian Developer


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